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Saturday, December 17, 2011

Eric Holder Implicated In Cover Up Of Murder Of Kenneth Trentadue In 1995

To help you understand the story behind the torture/murder of Kenneth Trentadue and how his murder has exposed a connection of the FBI to the Oklahoma City bombing and, at that time, Deputy Attorney General, Eric Holder's part in blocking any investigation into this murder.



JULY 3, 1997, Interview with Oklahoma State Medical Examiner, Dr. Fred Jordan.  Dr. Jordan speaks out about the Clinton-Reno Justice Department's efforts to cover-up the torture-murder of Kenneth Trentadue.  This cover-up was referred to within the Justice Department as the 'Trentadue Mission.' Deputy Attorney General Eric Holder played a key role in the Trentadue Mission.  Mr. Holder was tasked with derailing a Senate Judiciary inquiry into Trentadue's murder by the FBI.

Dr. Fred B. Jordan, the Chief Medical Examiner of the state of Oklahoma, was stunned at the destruction of evidence by federal authorities and at the way federal officials blocked his office from carrying out required duties. In a memo to the file dated December 20, 1995, Dr. Jordan described his frustration over being stonewalled by top Department of Justice officials in Washington. He recorded that he confided to the Assistant U.S. Attorney in Oklahoma City that “I felt Mr. Trentadue had been abused and tortured.”

Two years later Dr. Jordan said on a Fox News Interview (July 3, 1997):

“I think it’s very likely he [Kenneth Trentadue] was murdered. I’m not able to prove it. I have temporarily classified the death as undetermined. You see a body covered with blood, removed from the room as Mr. Trentadue was, soaked in blood, covered with bruises, and you try to gain access to the scene and the government of the United States says no, you can’t.

“They [the federal government] continued to prohibit us from having access to the scene of his death, which is unheard of, until about five months later. When we went in [the cell] and luminoled, it lit up like a candle because blood was still present on the walls of the room after four or five months. But at that point we have no crime scene, so there are still questions about the death of Kenneth Trentadue that will never be answered because of the actions of the U.S. government.”

Dr. Jordan’s effort to do his job brought him under great pressure and harassment from federal authorities. Realizing his peril, on August 25, 1997, Dr. Jordan wrote to IRS Commissioner Margaret Richardson:

“The requirements of my job as chief Medical Examiner for the State of Oklahoma are currently bringing me into an uncomfortable juxtaposition with the United States Department of Justice. In order to protect myself from retribution, I would like information as to how to request a protective audit from your agency. By this, I simply mean a standard audit in order to avoid having your agency used to harass me as I proceed with my inquiries into a death that directly relates to the Federal Transfer Center in Oklahoma City.”

In a handwritten memo to his file dated October 22, 1997, of a telephone conversation with U.S. Senator Byron Dorgan (D, ND), Dr. Jordan recorded: “confirmed my feelings that the investigation was crippled, the decedent was at the least beaten, we haven’t found the truth and probably won’t, reiterated my lack of trust in the Fed. gov’t and the Dept of Justice in particular.”

Unable to secure from Dr. Jordan a ruling that Trentadue’s injuries were self-inflicted, the DOJ sought the cooperation of Dr. Bill Gormley, Armed Forces Institute of Pathology. Dr. Gormley came to the same conclusion as Dr. Jordan and came under the same pressures. In a memo to file dated May 30, 1997, Kevin Rowland, Chief Investigator in the Oklahoma Medical Examiner’s Office records a telephone call he had from Dr. Gormley:

“The basic purposes for his call was to 1-find out what they [DOJ] are up to because he was very suspicious, and 2-ask if I might be able to explain why they only wanted certain testimony from him, since he told them that we had already given them the truth. He was troubled that they only seemed interested in him saying it might be possible these injuries are self-inflicted.”

Senator Orrin Hatch (R, UT) threatened the DOJ with Senate Judiciary Hearings on the case. However, FBI documents (Dec. 5, 1997 and Jan. 28, 1998) indicate that FBI agents succeeded in pulling the wool over the eyes of Senator Don Nickles (R, OK) and using him to prevent Hatch’s investigation.

Federal harassment of, and accusations against, Dr. Jordan built to the point that on March 12, 1998, the Assistant Attorney General of Oklahoma, Patrick T. Crawley, wrote to the US Department of Justice:

“The real tragedy in this case appears to be the perversion of law through chicanery and the misuse of public trust under the guise of some aberrant form of federalism. In a succession of either illegal, negligent, or just plain stupid acts, your clients [FBI, DOJ, Bureau of Prisons] succeeded in derailing the medical examiner’s investigation and, thereby, may have obstructed justice in this case. As more and more information is revealed in this case, primarily through the efforts of Jesse Trentadue [lawyer brother of victim], it appears that your clients, and perhaps others within the Department of Justice, have been abusing the powers of their respective offices. If this is true, all Americans should be very frightened of your clients and the DOJ.”

Despite the protection of the Oklahoma Attorney General, sufficient pressure was brought against Dr. Jordan to cause him to abandon his position. On November 28, 2000, at the civil trial brought by Jesse Trentadue against the United States, Dr. Jordan was asked: “You didn’t find any evidence of beating or torture, did you?” He answered: “No, there is no evidence to substantiate beating or torture.”

Despite Dr. Jordan’s changed testimony, the presiding federal judge in the Trentadue civil suit saw enough evidence that much was amiss to award the Trentadue family $1.1 million for suffering harassment and intentional infliction of emotional distress by the federal government. 

‘Fast & Furious’ Not Eric Holder’s First Controversy Involving the Murder of an American Citizen

October 10th, 2011

While some in the news media say Eric Holder’s involvement in the controversial ATF gun-running program known as Operation Fast and Furious is “only the tip of the iceberg,” Salt Lake City attorney Jesse Trentadue says he “was way ahead of the curve” in pointing out the attorney general’s involvement in shady activities.  He points to a scathing 4-page letter (PDF) he sent to Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) Dec. 19, 2008, as proof.

You need to know that Eric Holder, now nominated to become Attorney General, played a key role in covering up the torture-murder of my brother, Kenneth Michael Trentadue.  You also need to know that Mr. Holder did this while serving as Deputy Attorney General and Acting Attorney General from 1997-2001.

This is not just my shocking opinion.  It is also the opinion of many Americans.  More importantly, it is supported by the Justice Department’s records and actions that came to light as a result of my family’s efforts to obtain a certain measure of justice for my brother’s murder.

Kenneth was killed in Oklahoma City in August of 1995.  My family has spent over 13 years investigating my brother’s gruesome murder, including bringing a wrongful death lawsuit in federal court in 1997.  In that case, the Justice Department hid and destroyed evidence that would have exposed my brother’s murders, and we believe that Mr. Holder was directly involved in those acts of obstruction of justice.

In a footnote appearing on page one of that letter, Trentadue noted the following:

Despite the destruction of evidence, the court awarded my family a $1 million judgment.  We have used that money to offer a $250,000 reward for the people who killed Kenney.  That offer is posted at:  This site also contains the irrefutable evidence that my brother was murdered, which evidence was kept from us by the Justice Department.”

Trentadue’s letter continues:

To this day, however, despite the efforts of my family, numerous journalists, and Congress, the Justice Department has been able to hide this terrible story — and its culpability in the death of my brother Kenneth.  More importantly, then Deputy Attorney General Eric Holder was assigned to be the point man in blocking my family’s efforts to bring my brother Kenneth Trentadue’s murderers to justice.  Now, President-elect Barack Obama has nominated Eric Holder to be the new Attorney General.

The paper trail on Mr. Holder’s actions is scant.  However, e-mails and handwritten notes by those working under Mr. Holder in the Justice Department have surfaced.  These documents paint a clear picture of a wide-ranging and cynical scheme, run directly by Mr. Holder, to quash my family’s efforts to have my brother’s murder investigated, and to deflect congressional oversight and media attention from the shocking circumstances of his death.
 According to these documents, a significant part of this plan involved Mr. Holder convincing Congress not to inquire into my brother’s murder.  The plan called for Mr. Holder to meet with Senator Hatch on October 9, 1997, just prior to the Justice Department’s issuance of a Press Release announcing that the federal grand jury supposedly “investigating” my brother’s murder had failed to charge anyone with this crime.

The stated purpose of this meeting between Mr. Holder and Senator Hatch was to defuse Judiciary Committee oversight and media inquiry into the circumstances of my brother’s death.  In fact, one e-mail states that “we ain’t looking for press on this.  Hill takes priority.”
But that meeting apparently did not go as planned by Mr. Holder, because the next day, October 10, 1997, Senator Hatch gave an exclusive interview to Fox News in which he spoke out against the results of the grand jury and the Justice Department’s handling of the case.

Rather than share Trentadue’s summary of what Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah), told Fox News during the interview Oct. 10, 1997, I offer video (below) of the interview itself.
Did you catch that?  Senator Hatch said, “There’s a lot wrong with this case.” Not surprisingly, Jesse Trentadue agrees and points anyone willing to listen to the remaining content of his letter to Senator Leahy (PDF) before noting the following:

Judiciary Letter To Sen. Pat Leahy Regarding Eric Holder Cover Up Of Murder Of Kenneth Trentadue

Fast & Furious is only the “tip of the iceberg”;
Two U.S. Border Patrol agents are dead;
The Oklahoma City Bombing is the “iceberg”; and
168 bombing victims, plus his brother Kenneth Trentadue, are dead.

For more information about Trentadue’s pursuit of justice, read “Operation Fast and Furious” Coverup Not Unique, my other reports about the Oklahoma City Bombing and visit Kenneth

UPDATE 12/03/11 at 1:03 p.m. Central:  Story picked up by Andrew Breitbart’s
UPDATE 12/03/11 at 2:25 p.m. Central:  Trentedue tells me that the reward mentioned in his letter expired without anyone claiming it.   “That tells me that some very powerful people were involved in my brother’s murder and the cover up of that crime!” he said.


Attorney General Holder Tied to OKC Bombers

With a past such as this, how can Eric Holder be entrusted to hold ANY office in the United States of America? This story has been swept under the carpet but needs to be brought back out into the light of day. Attorney General Eric Holder must be held to account. Justice must be served in the obvious cover-up of the apparent torture and murder (that was originally ruled a suicide) of  Kenny Trentadue, a government informant, in Oklahoma City.

Implications in this case point fingers at the FBI and DOJ as being participants in the Oklahoma City bombing.  According to American Free Press:
Eric Holder, current attorney general of the United States, managed an FBI operation that provided explosives to Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols just prior to the bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Building in Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995, according to official documents released during the ongoing investigation into government foreknowledge of the supposed terrorist attack.
According to the documentation provided in the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit brought against the Department of Justice by Salt Lake City attorney Jesse Trentadue, the Oklahoma City bombing had aspects of being an FBI sting operation that went out of control. Holder had authorized the FBI to provide explosives to Nichols and McVeigh, then lost track of both the explosives and their targets. McVeigh went on to detonate some of the explosives outside the federal building, an act that was designed to help anti-terrorism legislation pass Congress. But an additional case of explosives was unaccounted for.
After the bombing, when the FBI learned the location of the explosives, Holder reportedly sent emails to FBI agents ordering them to recover the explosives before they could be found by some other branch of the government. FBI agents failed to spot the additional, unexploded explosives during an initial search of Nichols’s home and offered to spare him the death penalty if he would help them recover them.
The case of explosives was, however, recovered by another law enforcement agency and was later determined to have the incriminating  fingerprints of two FBI agents, as well as fingerprints of McVeigh and Nichols.
Shortly after the bombing, Kenneth Trentadue, a government informant, was murdered in his prison cell. His family has been pursuing legal action against the federal government ever since.
In 2001, in a bid to avoid a full release of documents, the Federal Bureau of Prisons paid a settlement of $1.1 million to several members of Trentadue’s family, but his brother refused to drop the investigation and filed a FOIA lawsuit for the missing documents. That suit has been ongoing in the Salt Lake City federal courthouse.

Oklahoma City Bombing RARE footage

4/17/2011 Kenneth Trentadue was murdered in the Oklahoma City Federal Transfer Center in August, 1995. The authorities ruled it a suicide. Join us this week on The Corbett Report as we explore the incredible story of Jesse Trentadue, Kenney’s brother, who has spent the last two decades working to find out what really happened to his brother…and how it connects to the Oklahoma City Bombing.

6/16/2011 The Corbett Report is joined once again by Salt Lake City-based attorney Jesse Trentadue who has been doggedly pursuing the truth about the Oklahoma City Bombing since the murder of his brother in 1995. Today he updates us on a federal judge’s recent startling ruling in his fight to pry the Murrah Building surveillance tapes from the FBI…and the revelations about a secret evidence storage drive that the FBI uses to hide documents from FOIA requests.

RELATED LINKS: For comprehensive listing of videos, articles and photographs (warning..graphic):  APFN.ORG

Truth In Justice 

Mother Jones 

The Corbett Report

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