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Monday, December 9, 2013


Who Is Josh Ackley and What Is He Doing with the Girl Scouts?

December 8, 2013
If you are a national reporter writing on the Girl Scouts, and you call their national office in New York City, you will talk to a guy named Josh Ackley.

If you are a Girl Scout wanting regular advice or information on the Girl Scouts and you turn to the Girl Scout blog, it’s Josh Ackley (pictured, center) you’ll be reading.

If you are a Girl Scout mom concerned about the sometimes-troubling drift of the Girl Scouts in recent years, Josh Ackley may be the one you’ll meet with.

To many key groups, Josh Ackley is the public face of one of the historically preeminent institutions for little girls.  

He has been with the Girl Scouts in external communications since 2008, became a prominent blogger for the organization in 2009, and since their public relations chief Michelle Tompkins recently left in a flood of headquarter staff exits, seems to be the Girl Scouts' main and only spokesman. 

So, who is Josh Ackley? The press, moms, and the girls may know Josh Ackley in his day job but probably don’t know what he does off-hours. He is the lead singer of a band called The Dead Betties.  
READ MORE: Breitbart News

My Comments: Another family centered, Christian-based wholesome organization perverted by the far left.  How sad that these people find it more important to transform and pervert what had been very positive organizations into disgusting front groups for a far left agenda.  

Any parent with their child involved needs to open their eyes and look at what is happening to the Girl Scouts of America and the Boy Scouts of America.  

It's time you take back your organization immediately or pull your kids out of these groups.  It's time to start you own group with like minded members.  

For information on alternatives to the GSUSA organization, check out the videos and information below with links to alternative organizations.

Uploaded on May 25, 2011
Live Action president Lila Rose interviews Sydney and Tess Volanski, two ex-girlscouts who are now spreading the word about how Girl Scouts USA promotes abortion and Planned Parenthood. These brave teenage sisters are exposing the truth with their new website, Speak Now: girl scouts.

Uploaded on Dec 29, 2011
Ex-Girl Scout, Sydney, talks about the problems with Girl Scout books and websites. Please visit,, &

A new 3-part video series, which can be accessed through the Girl Scout Why Not Youtube Channel linked below, shares the many pro-life concerns with Girl Scouts USA and showcases members from three former Girl Scout families. Each video has an accompanying video documentation guide, so that the video content can be documented and verified. Please click the links below to view the video or the documentation guide.

Part 1: Features Madelyn, a former Girl Scout teen from Georgia. Madelyn explores the problematic curriculum that exposes girls to abortion rights advocacy groups and role models. She also shows how the official GS blog links girls to resources with graphic explicit sexual content. 
Watch the Part 1 video here.  See the Part 1 documentation guide here.

Part 2: Features Ann, a mom of a former fourth-generation Girl Scout from Missouri.  Ann focuses on GSUSA relationships that conflict with the prolife position including the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS), the international scouting organization of which GSUSA is a founder and primary funder.  Ann explores GSUSA's other concerning relationships as well. 
Watch the Part 2 video hereSee the Part 2 documentation guide here.

Part 3: Features Mickie, a dad of a former Girl Scout and husband of a former Girl Scout leader from Florida.  Mickie provides a father’s perspective on the Girl Scouts issues and explains how each of us can share the truth and protect girls from the Girl Scouts’ harmful curriculum and relationships. 
Watch the Part 3 video hereSee the Part 3 documentation guide here.

Speak Now: Girls Scouts

Speaking The Truth About Girl Scouts

Our Journey
It's Our Story: We're Telling It.  After being involved in Girl Scouts for the past eight years of our lives, leaving the organization, which we had held in high regard for a vast expanse of time, without a backward glance wasn’t the easiest thing we’ve ever done. But by March 2010 it was becoming increasingly apparent that GSUSA had a set of beliefs so far from our own that it was impossible to comprehend. 

The first eye-opening, and quite honestly, jaw-dropping, example of this difference in values that we became aware of regarded GSUSA's involvement in the Girls Only Workshop at the United Nations involving a very offensive Planned Parenthood brochure. It was difficult to accept that this corrupt behavior was of Girl Scouts, whom we both trusted and honored, but after communicating directly with witness, Sharon Slater, and seeing the post on the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) website advocating for "affordable, accessible, safe abortion", it was clear to us that Girl Scouts was far from trustworthy or honorable and that we wouldn’t, couldn’t, support the group in name or financially any longer.  (Note:  See GSUSA's statement that every member of GSUSA is automatically a member of WAGGGS and supports them in name and financially.  The $12 annual membership fee girls pay to GSUSA triggers a quota that is paid by GSUSA to WAGGGS.  See this resource explaining the GSUSA-WAGGGS money flow.)

Leaving Girl Scouts was not a casual, easy, or convenient decision. Girl Scouts was a huge part of our lives that included a bond with our best friends. We had received our Bronze Award, begun our Silver Award, and had plans to complete our Gold Award. Our troop had decided we would stay together through high school. While we recognized the many good things about Girl Scouts, we had to ask ourselves: Will we stand for our beliefs, for the dignity of life, the sanctity of marriage, modesty, purity? Or will we remain true to Girl Scouts? We cannot see any way to truly do both. 

This should not be a lesson of Girl Scouts: that you have unknowingly been promoting and supporting a group that stands for the opposite of the beliefs you hold deeply in your heart. We want to do everything we can to prevent this heartbreak for other girls and their families.

Meet ‘American Heritage Girls’ — A ‘Christ-Centered’ Alternative to the Girl Scouts

JAN 2, 2012
Last week, the Blaze’s report about the Girl Scouts of the USA‘s “MEdia” book and its encouragement that young girls visit Media Matters to clear up “misinformation,” gained a great deal of attention. The story, though, wasn’t the first time in recent memory that the Girl Scouts have come under fire.

In October, we reported about the Girl Scouts of Colorado’s decision to let a little boy into the organization’s fold. And, on a grander scale, there have been countless accusations of liberal bias waged against the group. Some have felt so passionate about the organization’s alleged leftist allegiances that they have launched alternative groups for families seeking more traditional scouting experiences.

Take, for instance, American Heritage Girls (AHG), which describes itself as, “a nonprofit organization dedicated to the mission of building women of integrity through service to God, family, community and country.” AHG was founded back in 1995 in West Chester, Ohio, by a group of parents who were looking for a Christ-centered alternative to some of the increasingly-secular organizations that had been setup for young girls (i.e. the Girl Scouts).


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